Obtaining A Vietnam Permanent Resident Card
A permanent residence card (PRC) is the perfect solution for foreigners who intend to reside in Vietnam for a long period of time. However, according to the Ordinance No. 24/2000 on Entry, Exit and Residence of foreigners in Vietnam, foreigners may become permanent residents in Vietnam in certain circumstances and under rather limited conditions.
Who Qualify
Article 13, item 1 states that a temporary resident in Vietnam falling within one of the following categories shall be considered for permanent residency:
1. A person who fights for the freedom and independence of the Vietnamese race, for socialism, for democracy and peace and for science but who is suppressed
2. A person with distinguished services contributing to the work of building and protecting the Vietnamese Fatherland
3. A person being the spouse, child or parent of a Vietnamese citizen residing permanently in Vietnam.
For the 1st and the 2nd type: Foreigners shall file their dossiers to the Immigration Department of the Ministry of Public Security. Such dossiers comprise:
- The applicant's photo and application for permanent residence permission made according to the form set by the Ministry of Public Security;
- His/her curriculum vitae made by the applicant himself/ herself;
- Copy of his/her passport (if any);
The Ministry of Public Security shall report to the Prime Minister within one month for decision the foreigners' application for permanent residence.
For the 3rd type: Foreigners shall submit their dossiers to the Immigration Department of the Ministry of Public Security or the exit and entry management bodies under the public security offices of the provinces and centrally run cities. Such a dossier comprises:
- The applicant's photo and application for permanent residence made in accordance with the forms set by the Ministry of Public Security;
- His/her judicial records certified by the competent agency of the country, of which he/ she is a citizen;
- Official note of the competent agency of the country, of which he/she is a citizen, requesting the Vietnamese authorities to permit him/her to permanently reside in Vietnam;
- Papers evidencing that the permanent residence applicant falls under the cases specified at Point c, Clause 1, Article 13 of the ordinance;
- Copy of the applicant's passport.
The Immigration Department shall decide the permanent residence application by foreigners in this case.
Processing time and fee
Within 06 months after receiving the complete dossiers, the Immigration Department shall coordinate with the concerned agencies in conducting the examination and verification and reporting the results to the Minister of Public Security for consideration and decision. When necessary to make an additional examination, the time may be extended but not exceeding three months. PRC will be granted within 05 days after the acceptance from Immigration Department of Public Security. The processing fee is $100.
PRC is valid for a period of three years PRC must be renewed every three years at the exit and entry management bodies under the public security offices of the provinces or centrally run cities. Otherwise, PRC may be withdrawn. Note: The above documents (except permanent residence application, diplomatic note, visa and passport) must be translated into Vietnamese and legalized or verified by a notary according to current regulations.

Obtaining A Vietnam Work Permit
Work permit in Vietnam is issued by the Department of Labor, Invalid and Society. It is valid for a period of 36 months (3 years). After it is expired; foreigners have to reapply for a renewal permit.

Obtaining A Vietnam Temporary Residence Card
Foreigners, who want to reside in Vietnam in the long run to work, do business, study or research may be interested in the renewed policies on immigration of Vietnamese government. Ten years ago, foreigners who wanted to stay in Vietnam for a long period of time were only able to apply for a six- to twelve-month visa and were not exempted for entry or exit visa.

Garbage and Recycling
If you are from a country with developed garbage collection system such as Sweden or Canada, you may feel it very strange as you get used to the norm of waste and recycling in Vietnam.