Money Matters - Getting A Bank Account
Once you've found a job, you'll need a bank account to hold all your hard-earned cash.
To get a bank account, you need a work permit, residence permit, a work contract, a phone number, and a small amount of VND to make an initial deposit.
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Usually, your employer will guide you through the process and will tell you exactly what to do. Vietcombank is the most commonly found one, and they have English-speaking employees, so it's a good option for expats.
After your initial deposit, you won't be able to deposit any more money into your account yourself. Only your employer can transfer and deposit money into your bank account. Moving money out of your bank account and sending it home is no problem. It's a bit complicated, but as long as you have all the documents you need, your money will be in your home account within two weeks.

Getting Started as a Fresh Expat (Fresh-pat) in Saigon
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"Show Me the Money" - Finding a Job in Saigon
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