How To Spend Your Evening in Hoi An
Hoi An, an old town in Vietnam, is indeed so small in size that we can explored the whole town on foot. Although Hoi An has a reputation as a town turning light off early, the Night Life in Hoi An is quite energizing. With many beautiful and interesting spots at night, Hoi An greets its visitors in its own unique way.
Hoi An with many historic houses and temples is very beautiful at night because of the colorful lantern. You can wander along these glistening streets and enjoy the nice and fresh atmosphere here.
Especially, during the full moon of every month, local shop owners turn off the electricity and hang lanterns bearing their shops’ names, and a candlelight lantern procession, complete with a few small floats, make its way through the Old Town and along the riverfront. It's well worth timing a visit to enjoy the spectacle and the post-processional festivities.
Woopwoop Bar Hoi An
Moreover, Hoi An has many bars and night spots. You can enjoin music at the bars having the tradition of playing live bands, a famous one that you can find is The Tam- Tam Café on Nguyen Thai Hoc Street. Tam – Tam offers a wide range of drinks and food. Your night will be more wonderful if you can grab a table near the balcony. There are some other famous spots such as Hai Scout Café at 98 Nguyen Thai Hoc Street, Treat's Same Same Not Different Bar at 93 Tran Hung Dao str., which can present you romantic night by the candle light dinner with delicious food and vintage wine.
Many interesting things at Hoi An is waiting for your discovery. If you can arrange time, arriving Hoi An at the 14th night of each month seems to be the most wonderful time for tourists to enjoy Hoi An night life.

5 Best Bars in Hoi An To Grab Your Drinks
Hoi An brings to mind the peaceful image of colorful tailor shops, yellow walls and thronged ancient streets. However, it would be a mistake to assume the place a sleepy town. Far from that, Hoi An at night is lit up with a vibrant and intriguing vibe, with many bars and bistros lining the downtown area.