Tips on Bringing Your Pets to Vietnam

The following instructions are exclusively for cats and dogs travel and certainly much more straightforward than that expected. Don’t waste your time and money for agencies or departments who may actually never have been to Vietnam themselves before . Pet owners only need a veterinary certificate and their pets’ inoculation records and the other requirement related to the certificate varies depending on your airlines. For example, if you flight from the United States, a health certificate is required to be signed within 10 days of travel.

The process consists of three main steps as follows:

Step 1: Vaccination

The pet is obliged to be vaccinated for rabies at least 30 days ahead of travel to Vietnam and no more than a year before travel. Next, download the veterinary certificate and have your accredited veterinarian fill in the form to certify that the pet is healthy, free of parasites and there is no sign of diseases transmittable to humans.

Step 2: Attach the “Pet’s Inoculation Record” to the “Veterinary Certificate”

Pet’s Inoculation Record is a record of all vaccinations injected to the pet, including information about the name, the manufacture and the lot or batch number of the vaccine, not to mention the date of vaccine administration and expiration, if any. Apart from the rabies vaccination which is required, other vaccines are optional. Follows are some vaccines recommended for dogs and cats.

Dog: Rabies, Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus and Para Influenza.

Cat: Distemper, Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Leukemia, and Rabies.

Step 3: Immigrant Process

Upon arrival in Vietnam, you are required to present the mentioned documents (the veterinary certificate and Pet’s Inoculation Record) to the immigration officer after taking your pets at the place that you get your checked in luggage. After checking the documents, they will let you and your pets leave the airport.

Special Note

There is no quarantine period upon your arrival in Vietnam.

Your pet will be put in a crate during the flight, so it is advised to set a crate up inside your house and put your pets into the crate a few hours a day prior to the flight to make them get used to the crate. Don’t drug your pets as it is not good for their health.

The procedures to take your pet out of Vietnam are quite similar. You must have your pets vaccinated and contact your airlines and the country of destination to ask for other requirements you need to follow.

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CANCEL Remaining: 1500

Hi! Super helpful article. Where can I find the "veterinary certificate" that you mentioned to download? I tried googling for it as well with no luck. Thank you!

3 years, 12 months ago
CANCEL Remaining: 1500
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Hi Sabrina, were you able to find out this information?

2 years, 7 months ago
S Sabrina replied - 1 reply
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