Hot Tuna Bar & Restaurant

Hot Tuna Bar & Restaurant is a great place for tourists as it has extensive menu and excellent dishes. The services are in high standard and the prices are reasonable as well.



Hot Tuna Bar & Restaurant is a great place for tourists as it has extensive menu and excellent dishes. The services are in high standard and the prices are reasonable as well.


Go straight ahead Le Loi St from Hue Railway Station. Take the 1st right at Doi Cung St, then turn left at Vo Thi Sau St to reach the restaurant.

Facilities & Services

  • Non-smoking restaurant
  • Air conditioning
  • Credit card / Debit card accepted
  • Take away

Comments (1)
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CANCEL Remaining: 1500

Your restaurant gave me and my parents severe food poisoning. We are still struggling one week later. This was meant to be a dream trip for us - my parents visiting me in Asia after years apart. We were really looking forward to touring Hue, Saigon and Angkor Wat together but had to cancel a lot of our plans and haven't been able to enjoy any food since then. We're still all on the toilet. Management at Hot Tuna must examine what went wrong. I noticed ours isn't the only instance of food poisoning that has been reported. My father and I shared the chicken and two hours later we were both vomiting and more (just imagine the worst). This kept us up all night and my father had to be put on a saline and paracetamol drip. The following morning we both felt incredibly weak having lost all the food we ate yesterday. My mother had a different dish and felt fine initially but she suffered from bad diarrhoea the next day, which suggests a general uncleanliness in the kitchen. It was definitely your food because I felt immediate discomfort on the walk home - and your meal was my first food since breakfast. I suggest that you examine your practices for storing raw meats and fish, the fridge and freezer temperatures are monitored daily and that staff are regularly trained on general hygiene. Good luck.

2 years, 1 month ago
CANCEL Remaining: 1500

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