Shoppers may find it confused when it comes to the best places to buy things in Vietnam. A mix of commodities can be found almost everywhere from boutique stores to shopping malls and street markets. Prices vary depending on where you decide to purchase items. However, many can still get a good deal if having essential buying and bargain tips.

Shopping Clothes in Vietnam - Everything You Need To Know
Vietnam used to be just a shopping paradise for travelers on a shoes string. Today the fashion world has broadened extensively to cater to just any need, from the most basic purchase to world-class brands.

The Must-Read Guide About Buying Books In Vietnam
More than a simple sightseeing or adventurous destination for expats and long-term travelers, thanks to its own unique reading culture, Vietnam is gradually becoming a great place for bookworms to start their first backpack trip to Southeast Asia without interrupting their reading indulgence.

Vietnam: General Shopping Tips
Welcome to Vietnam, the new paradise for shopping. If you look at the surface, you will be disappointed by the large number of made-in-China items in just any cities. If you dare to search, you will be caught in a complete surprise.

Vietnam Supermarkets - The Basics
The retail market in Vietnam can be roughly divided into six types of modern distribution with specific characteristics, including hypermarkets, supermarkets, commercial centers, shopping centers, convenience stores and specialty supermarkets.

Shopping for Local Crafts in Vietnam - Everything You Want To Know
Tourists traveling to Vietnam are clearly impressed by traditional handicrafts and often take these as gifts for their family and friends when coming back home.

Electronics Shopping In Vietnam
If you are searching for an electronic item while traveling to Viet Nam, a huge numbers of electronic suppliers are available to meet your demand. You can find a plenty of various gadgets and devices in countless electronics stores in Viet Nam.

Bargaining Tips For Your Vietnam Shopping
Bargaining is part of their culture as through bargaining people communicate with others, create and build up their relationship, not to mention a form of entertainment.

Furniture Shopping in Vietnam - Your First-hand Guide
Vietnam is a shopping paradise for not only traditional souvenirs but also antique furniture.
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