Drinking in Vietnam
There is no drinking age in Vietnam, and if there is, it is known by no one. This tradition does not mean that you will drink irresponsibly. In general, draught beers are local’s favorite, often served with a plate of peanuts or grilled dog meat. Beer is cheap, at about 20-30 cents for a huge mug, and act as perfect refreshment for the severe heat of Vietnam summer. Alcohol and liquors are sold widely and not limited to only ¨Liquoreria¨ as in Latin America or LCBO as in Canada. Foreign brands can be found, but half are mixed with something else to make a profit. So choose wisely!
Photo : quamienbac.com
Local wine can be found in almost all eateries and some of them may be strong. On trip to mountainous areas such as those to Da Lat or Sapa, try ¨ruou can¨, a type of wine that is drunk with multiple straws from a common vase.
Photo : sanphamdacsan.com

Top 5 Side Dishes to Serve with Xôi (Vietnamese Sticky Rice)
Most common add-ons for Vietnamese Xoi.

Different Types of Vietnamese Sticky Rice (Xoi)
It will be a big miss if you come to Vietnam without trying “xoi”.