Bac Lieu in June: Weather & climate information
What's the weather like in Bac Lieu in June? See the historical monthly averages for temperature, rainfall and humidity.
Khmer architecture at the Xiem Can pagoda in Bac lieu
June Averages
Min Temperature | 26.7°C | Precipitation | 56.8mm |
Max Temperature | 32.6°C | Rainy Days | 11.7 days |
Humidity | 73.4% | Sunshine Hours | 12.1 hours |
Historical weather
June weather averages for Bac Lieu in the last 10 years ( 2010 to 2020).
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
1 27.0°32.0° | 2 27.0°32.0° | 3 27.0°31.0° | 4 26.0°31.0° | 5 27.0°30.0° | 6 27.0°30.0° | |
7 26.0°31.0° | 8 27.0°31.0° | 9 26.0°31.0° | 10 25.0°31.0° | 11 25.0°33.0° | 12 26.0°33.0° | 13 26.0°33.0° |
14 27.0°33.0° | 15 27.0°32.0° | 16 26.0°31.0° | 17 26.0°31.0° | 18 25.0°29.0° | 19 25.0°30.0° | 20 26.0°30.0° |
21 26.0°30.0° | 22 26.0°30.0° | 23 25.0°30.0° | 24 25.0°31.0° | 25 26.0°31.0° | 26 26.0°30.0° | 27 26.0°31.0° |
28 26.0°30.0° | 29 25.0°31.0° | 30 25.0°32.0° |
Temperature Graph (°C)
The average Bac Lieu temperature during June is around 29.4°C (84.92°F).
Month | High | Low | Changes |
May | 34.3°C (93.74°F) | 28.0°C (82.4°F) | +0.6°C (33.08°F) |
June* | 32.6°C (90.68°F) | 26.7°C (80.06°F) | -1.4°C (29.48°F) |
July | 31.7°C (89.06°F) | 25.8°C (78.44°F) | -0.9°C (30.38°F) |
Humidity Graph (%)
The average humidity in June in Bac Lieu is 73.4%, which is 6.3% higher than May and 3.3% lower than July.
Rainfall Graph (mm)
Average rainfall in June in Bac Lieu: 56.8mm
May | June* | July |
47.6mm (+9.2mm) | 56.8mm | 62.8mm (-6.0mm) |
Rain Days Graph
Average rain days in June in Bac Lieu: 11.7 days
Daylight Graph
Average daylight in June in Bac Lieu: 12.6h
Frequently asked questions
How is the weather in Bac Lieu in June?
June is a hot month in Bac Lieu with an average temperature of 29.4°C. Bac Lieu's temperature in June ranges between 26.7°C (80.06°F) and 32.6°C (90.68°F).
Is Bac Lieu humid in June?
Yes, it is. The humidity of Bac Lieu in June is around 73.4% and rarely falls below 61.0%.
Does it rain often in Bac Lieu in June?
Yes, it does. It rains very often in Bac Lieu in June with an average of 11.7 rainy days and 56.8mm (2.24") of precipitation.
How many hours of daylight are there in June in Bac Lieu?
In June, Bac Lieu's average day-length is 12.6 hours.
How long is the sun out per day in Bac Lieu in June?
The average sunshine hours of Bac Lieu in June is 12.1 hours.