Languages spoken in Vietnam are diverse on par with its vast number of ethnicities. Almost each minority group has its own language such as Hmong, Muong, Khmer, and Tay. However, Vietnamese boasts the only official language which belongs to the Austro-Asiatic Languages. Despite that, words and accents can vary according to different regions from North to South. Vietnamese also inherits a strong influence from foreign languages like Chinese, French, and English. Indeed, linguistic diversity is what Vietnam can truly proud of.
The Nom - Ancient Vietnamese Script
Not only foreigners take Nôm (ancient Vietnamese script) for Hán (short of Hán Việt, ancient Vietnamese-Chinese script) but most of Vietnamese think that Hán and Nôm are one thing.
A Brief Look At Vietnamese Language
Vietnamese is one of a few languages in Asia that uses Latin alphabet instead of symbol.
Insider Guides
Food for Tet Holiday
What Vietnamese usually eat for Tet holiday.
New Year’s Flowers
Traditional flowers for Tet holiday.
New Year’s Wishes
What people often wish each other