Nha Trang in August: Weather & climate information
Sharing the same temperature level with July (from 25 to 31 degree Celsius), and boasting a not much larger rainfall amount, August is known as one of two hottest month in Nha Trang besides July.
August Averages
Min Temperature | 24.8°C | Precipitation | 102.3mm |
Max Temperature | 30.8°C | Rainy Days | 19.7 days |
Humidity | 77.1% | Sunshine Hours | 12.1 hours |
Historical weather
August weather averages for Nha Trang in the last 10 years ( 2010 to 2020).
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
1 25.0°29.0° | 2 25.0°28.0° | 3 24.0°29.0° | 4 25.0°31.0° | 5 25.0°30.0° | ||
6 25.0°32.0° | 7 25.0°31.0° | 8 25.0°31.0° | 9 25.0°31.0° | 10 24.0°31.0° | 11 24.0°31.0° | 12 26.0°31.0° |
13 25.0°32.0° | 14 25.0°31.0° | 15 25.0°31.0° | 16 25.0°31.0° | 17 25.0°30.0° | 18 24.0°29.0° | 19 24.0°30.0° |
20 24.0°30.0° | 21 24.0°30.0° | 22 24.0°30.0° | 23 24.0°29.0° | 24 24.0°29.0° | 25 24.0°29.0° | 26 24.0°29.0° |
27 24.0°30.0° | 28 25.0°30.0° | 29 24.0°30.0° | 30 25.0°30.0° | 31 25.0°30.0° |
Temperature Graph (°C)
The average Nha Trang temperature during August is around 27.5°C (81.5°F).
Month | High | Low | Changes |
July | 30.6°C (87.08°F) | 24.8°C (76.64°F) | -0.4°C (31.28°F) |
August* | 30.8°C (87.44°F) | 24.8°C (76.64°F) | 0.0°C (0°F) |
September | 29.9°C (85.82°F) | 24.3°C (75.74°F) | -0.7°C (30.74°F) |
Humidity Graph (%)
The average humidity in August in Nha Trang is 77.1%, which is 0.2% higher than July and 2.8% lower than September.
Rainfall Graph (mm)
Average rainfall in August in Nha Trang: 102.3mm
July | August* | September |
80.3mm (+22.0mm) | 102.3mm | 123.7mm (-21.4mm) |
Rain Days Graph
Average rain days in August in Nha Trang: 19.7 days
Daylight Graph
Average daylight in August in Nha Trang: 12.5h
If you plan to visit Nha Trang in August
Drinking much water, having vitamin C-rich fruits like orange, strawberry, and tomatoes and using sun cream when going out are highly recommended for your good health and skin in these hot days. Remember to bring along hat, umbrella, long-sleeve light shirt always in any trip, and not to go out in sunniest time of the day (usually from 11.00am to 2.00pm) to avoid the heat stroke.
Boasting a mildly cool climate all year round, Hòn Bà Mountain, about 40km far from Nha Trang city center is considered a mini Sapa or Dalat in the heart of this coastal city. In the hot days of August, a sight-seeing trip or extended stay in Hon Ba Mountain is an ideal way to hide from the tropical summer heat. Now, access to Hon Ba Mountain becomes much easier thanks to modern cable system. However, hiking through dense forest to conquer the altitude of over 1500 meters is appealing challenge to many sport lovers.
August may not be a good time to visit Nha Trang, especially for those unfamiliar with tropical weather like Russian and North-Europeans. The crowd of domestic tourists is also another reason to consider another month to visit Nha Trang instead of August.
Coming to Nha Trang this month, tourists are advised to spend more time on the mountains rather than beaches.
Frequently asked questions
How is the weather in Nha Trang in August?
August is a hot month in Nha Trang with an average temperature of 27.5°C. Nha Trang's temperature in August ranges between 24.8°C (76.64°F) and 30.8°C (87.44°F).
Is Nha Trang humid in August?
Yes, it is. The humidity of Nha Trang in August is around 77.1% and rarely falls below 64.0%.
Does it rain often in Nha Trang in August?
Yes, it does. It rains very often in Nha Trang in August with an average of 19.7 rainy days and 102.3mm (4.03") of precipitation.
How many hours of daylight are there in August in Nha Trang?
In August, Nha Trang's average day-length is 12.5 hours.
How long is the sun out per day in Nha Trang in August?
The average sunshine hours of Nha Trang in August is 12.1 hours.