Nha Trang in May: Weather & climate information
This month is the beginning of the tourism season in the place with totally hot summer and sunlight covering the city. The humidity also rises a little, so that the air is more pleasant with no mugginess. This month people come to the place in a bigger number than some previous month, especially on public holiday in the beginning of the month.
May Averages
Min Temperature | 25.5°C | Precipitation | 72.3mm |
Max Temperature | 31.6°C | Rainy Days | 15.5 days |
Humidity | 76.8% | Sunshine Hours | 12.3 hours |
Historical weather
May weather averages for Nha Trang in the last 10 years ( 2010 to 2020).
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
1 25.0°33.0° | 2 24.0°32.0° | 3 25.0°32.0° | 4 24.0°31.0° | 5 24.0°31.0° | ||
6 24.0°30.0° | 7 25.0°31.0° | 8 25.0°31.0° | 9 24.0°32.0° | 10 25.0°32.0° | 11 26.0°34.0° | 12 26.0°33.0° |
13 26.0°33.0° | 14 26.0°33.0° | 15 27.0°33.0° | 16 27.0°34.0° | 17 27.0°33.0° | 18 26.0°33.0° | 19 26.0°33.0° |
20 26.0°34.0° | 21 26.0°34.0° | 22 26.0°34.0° | 23 26.0°33.0° | 24 25.0°33.0° | 25 25.0°32.0° | 26 26.0°33.0° |
27 26.0°33.0° | 28 26.0°32.0° | 29 25.0°32.0° | 30 24.0°31.0° | 31 24.0°31.0° |
Temperature Graph (°C)
The average Nha Trang temperature during May is around 28.1°C (82.58°F).
Month | High | Low | Changes |
April | 29.6°C (85.28°F) | 23.2°C (73.76°F) | +1.8°C (35.24°F) |
May* | 31.6°C (88.88°F) | 25.5°C (77.9°F) | +1.9°C (35.42°F) |
June | 31.0°C (87.8°F) | 25.2°C (77.36°F) | -0.2°C (31.64°F) |
Humidity Graph (%)
The average humidity in May in Nha Trang is 76.8%, which is 2.2% lower than April and 0.7% higher than June.
Rainfall Graph (mm)
Average rainfall in May in Nha Trang: 72.3mm
April | May* | June |
32.0mm (+40.3mm) | 72.3mm | 75.9mm (-3.6mm) |
Rain Days Graph
Average rain days in May in Nha Trang: 15.5 days
Daylight Graph
Average daylight in May in Nha Trang: 12.7h
What to expect if you travel to Nha Trang in May
After gradual increase since the beginning of the year, temperature reaches the highest level of the year (from 26 to 32 degree Celsius) right in the first month of summer. However, precipitation of 72.3mm, the highest level seen in four summer months (May to August) makes the weather in May somehow comfortable. Anyway, tourists should bring along hat and umbrella to avoid summer heat at noon.
Breath-taking natural scenery together with a number of eco-tourism areas, large-scale amusement parks, luxury resorts and hotels make Nha Trang a paradise of sun-sea-sand, a dream destination for any summer holiday maker.
For ones coming to Nha Trang in May, especially family tourists, a visit to Vinpearl Land (Hon Tre Island) Vietnam’s largest complex of lavish accommodation and modern entertainment is a can-not-miss-out. For those favor tranquility, nature-oriented resort like Hon Tam or Con Se Tre is absolutely great choice.
May, the month of sunshine is a great time to enjoy the sun-sea-sand in the coastal city of Nha Trang.
Frequently asked questions
How is the weather in Nha Trang in May?
May is a hot month in Nha Trang with an average temperature of 28.1°C. Nha Trang's temperature in May ranges between 25.5°C (77.9°F) and 31.6°C (88.88°F).
Is Nha Trang humid in May?
Yes, it is. The humidity of Nha Trang in May is around 76.8% and rarely falls below 68.0%.
Does it rain often in Nha Trang in May?
Yes, it does. It rains very often in Nha Trang in May with an average of 15.5 rainy days and 72.3mm (2.85") of precipitation.
How many hours of daylight are there in May in Nha Trang?
In May, Nha Trang's average day-length is 12.7 hours.
How long is the sun out per day in Nha Trang in May?
The average sunshine hours of Nha Trang in May is 12.3 hours.