Nha Trang in November: Weather & climate information
Sharing similar precipitation of over 230mm with October, November is one of two rainiest months in Nha Trang. This month, temperature only decreases for a little bit, and fluctuates around 26 degree Celsius. Raincoat and umbrella keeps being good friends of tourists in rainy days.
November Averages
Min Temperature | 22.9°C | Precipitation | 268.3mm |
Max Temperature | 27.2°C | Rainy Days | 15.1 days |
Humidity | 84.2% | Sunshine Hours | 10.0 hours |
Historical weather
November weather averages for Nha Trang in the last 10 years ( 2010 to 2020).
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
1 24.0°29.0° | 2 24.0°27.0° | 3 24.0°26.0° | 4 24.0°26.0° | 5 24.0°28.0° | 6 24.0°28.0° | |
7 23.0°28.0° | 8 22.0°28.0° | 9 23.0°28.0° | 10 23.0°28.0° | 11 23.0°28.0° | 12 23.0°28.0° | 13 23.0°28.0° |
14 23.0°29.0° | 15 23.0°28.0° | 16 24.0°28.0° | 17 24.0°29.0° | 18 23.0°29.0° | 19 23.0°29.0° | 20 24.0°28.0° |
21 23.0°29.0° | 22 22.0°28.0° | 23 22.0°28.0° | 24 23.0°29.0° | 25 22.0°29.0° | 26 22.0°29.0° | 27 24.0°27.0° |
28 23.0°27.0° | 29 24.0°28.0° | 30 24.0°29.0° |
Temperature Graph (°C)
The average Nha Trang temperature during November is around 24.9°C (76.82°F).
Month | High | Low | Changes |
October | 28.4°C (83.12°F) | 23.6°C (74.48°F) | -1.1°C (30.02°F) |
November* | 27.2°C (80.96°F) | 22.9°C (73.22°F) | -0.8°C (30.56°F) |
December | 25.6°C (78.08°F) | 21.7°C (71.06°F) | -1.6°C (29.12°F) |
Humidity Graph (%)
The average humidity in November in Nha Trang is 84.2%, which is 1.7% higher than October and 0.4% lower than December.
Rainfall Graph (mm)
Average rainfall in November in Nha Trang: 268.3mm
October | November* | December |
224.2mm (+44.1mm) | 268.3mm | 103.0mm (+165.3mm) |
Rain Days Graph
Average rain days in November in Nha Trang: 15.1 days
Daylight Graph
Average daylight in November in Nha Trang: 11.6h
What to expect if you travel to Nha Trang in November
It is not a really wise choice to visit Nha Trang in the rainy November; however, if you trip is firmly scheduled in this month, spending time indoor is better than going out to against heavy rain and storms. As home of over 20,000 specimens of over 4,000 types of marine and fresh water collected and well preserved for years and numerous living ones kept in glass tank, Nha Trang Institute of Oceanography is an interesting and must-see attraction in the coastal city. Besides scuba diving, paying a visit to the Institute is another great way (and the best way in bad weather condition) to discover the magnificent undersea world in Nha Trang and Southeast Asia in general.
Rainy November is not a really good time to visit Nha Trang. If possible, rearrange your trip to this joyful city to the next month for less rainy weather.
Frequently asked questions
How is the weather in Nha Trang in November?
November is a comfortable month in Nha Trang, with average temperature fluctuating between 22.9°C (73.22°F) and 27.2°C (80.96°F), and this makes November one of the best months to visit Nha Trang.
Is Nha Trang humid in November?
Yes, it is. The humidity of Nha Trang in November is around 84.2% and rarely falls below 66.0%.
Does it rain often in Nha Trang in November?
Yes, it does. It rains very often in Nha Trang in November with an average of 15.1 rainy days and 268.3mm (10.56") of precipitation.
How many hours of daylight are there in November in Nha Trang?
In November, Nha Trang's average day-length is 11.6 hours.
How long is the sun out per day in Nha Trang in November?
The average sunshine hours of Nha Trang in November is 10.0 hours.