Nha Trang in February: Weather & climate information
With precipitation of only 23.7mm, February is known as the driest month in Nha Trang. It is also one of the best times for diving in the bay, besides March and April. Temperature which slightly rises up to 20-26 degree Celsius makes better condition for water-related activities like diving and swimming.
February Averages
Min Temperature | 20.4°C | Precipitation | 23.7mm |
Max Temperature | 26.1°C | Rainy Days | 4.1 days |
Humidity | 81.1% | Sunshine Hours | 8.3 hours |
Historical weather
February weather averages for Nha Trang in the last 10 years ( 2010 to 2020).
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
1 22.0°25.0° | 2 22.0°25.0° | 3 22.0°25.0° | 4 21.0°26.0° | 5 21.0°26.0° | ||
6 20.0°26.0° | 7 20.0°28.0° | 8 20.0°26.0° | 9 22.0°25.0° | 10 21.0°25.0° | 11 20.0°25.0° | 12 21.0°25.0° |
13 20.0°25.0° | 14 21.0°26.0° | 15 20.0°27.0° | 16 21.0°27.0° | 17 22.0°25.0° | 18 21.0°23.0° | 19 21.0°23.0° |
20 21.0°25.0° | 21 22.0°24.0° | 22 22.0°27.0° | 23 22.0°28.0° | 24 21.0°28.0° | 25 21.0°28.0° | 26 21.0°27.0° |
27 21.0°26.0° | 28 20.0°26.0° | 29 21.0°27.0° |
Temperature Graph (°C)
The average Nha Trang temperature during February is around 23.0°C (73.4°F).
Month | High | Low | Changes |
January | 25.1°C (77.18°F) | 20.9°C (69.62°F) | -0.5°C (31.1°F) |
February* | 26.1°C (78.98°F) | 20.4°C (68.72°F) | +0.2°C (32.36°F) |
March | 27.8°C (82.04°F) | 21.4°C (70.52°F) | +1.4°C (34.52°F) |
Humidity Graph (%)
The average humidity in February in Nha Trang is 81.1%, which is 2.2% lower than January and 0.6% higher than March.
Rainfall Graph (mm)
Average rainfall in February in Nha Trang: 23.7mm
January | February* | March |
73.5mm (-49.8mm) | 23.7mm | 28.0mm (-4.3mm) |
Rain Days Graph
Average rain days in February in Nha Trang: 4.1 days
Daylight Graph
Average daylight in February in Nha Trang: 11.7h
What to expect if you travel to Nha Trang in February
As Tet, the most important holiday of Vietnamese in a year, often falls between late January and the first half of February, coming to Nha Trang these days, besides enjoyable diving tour, tourists can expect a joyful time of Tet celebration with local people. In the very first days of the Lunar New Year, tourists may experience part of Vietnamese culture by following locals to visit pagodas like Long Son or Thien Loc for good lucks all year round.
The most important festival of Vietnamese and calm blue sea for diving, both are waiting for tourists in February, one of the best times to visit Nha Trang.
Frequently asked questions
How is the weather in Nha Trang in February?
February is a comfortable month in Nha Trang, with average temperature fluctuating between 20.4°C (68.72°F) and 26.1°C (78.98°F), and this makes February one of the best months to visit Nha Trang.
Is Nha Trang humid in February?
Yes, it is. The humidity of Nha Trang in February is around 81.1% and rarely falls below 70.0%.
Does it rain often in Nha Trang in February?
No, it does not. Nha Trang has only 4.1 rainy days in February with an approximate 23.7mm (0.93") of precipitation.
How many hours of daylight are there in February in Nha Trang?
In February, Nha Trang's average day-length is 11.7 hours.
How long is the sun out per day in Nha Trang in February?
The average sunshine hours of Nha Trang in February is 8.3 hours.